Christian Home Educators in the UK have their own set of challenges (besides the many blessings!). At this point in time we are a growing minority and as others begin to consider what we do, it is important to be able to give biblical responses to the many strawmen arguments, as well as to encourage one another in the particular course we are taking. I hope these articles will be a blessing to you.

Making Idols
On the one hand, it would be so much easier if there were an exact formula for ensuring the salvation of our children. On the

‘Slow to Anger’
There is a charming note of honesty amongst parents. Pretty much everybody admits to responding to their children in anger from time to time. Children

Home Education Will Not Convert Our Children
One of the biggest mistakes a home educator can make is to believe that home education converts our children. This line of thought leads to

Hesitancy and the Home Educator
I think that home education is an all or nothing activity. We are either 100% in or we are out. There is not much room

Not Passive: How to Home Educate With Intention
We are raising our children in Babylon. The UK in 2022 is not David’s kingdom, Solomon’s Kingdom or even Rehoboam’s Divided Kingdom. Believers are living

There is Nothing Wishy-Washy About Christian Education
There is nothing wishy-washy about Christian Home Education. I think we can all be guilty of stereotyping a group of people who go against the

Knowledge is(n’t) Neutral
I wonder how often people assume that Christian home educators are teaching a host of neutral facts in a hiding place (our homes). After all,

Kicking Off Our Day: The Centrality of Family Worship
If the phrase ‘family worship’ sounds odd, then this may be because whilst the church practiced family worship for 2000 years, ours is the generation

Deliberately Teaching a Biblical Worldview (It Won’t Happen by Accident)
When we started home educating, I had not quite banked on all the added bonuses. I did not realise quite how much fun I would

Catechising the Kids
Dad: ‘Who made you?’ Three-year old: ‘God made me’ Dad: ‘What else did God make?’ Three-year old: ‘God made all things’ Dad: ‘Why did God

Home Education and Responding to the Curious
Several years ago, I came across rather an aggressive post on Facebook that has stayed with me. It must have been posted by somebody who

Hiding Behind What is Good: The Real Reason We Home Educate
Several weeks back I made an error at the opticians. Approximately forty-five seconds into our appointment he discovered that we are a home educating family.

Home Education and the ‘Socialisation’ Question
If you have home educated for any amount of time, somebody will have asked you what opportunities your child has for socialisation. There is a

Christian Education and the ‘Salt and Light’ Argument
If we are Christians who home educate our children or who have taken the decision to send our children to a Christian school, then at

Home Education is Not 0-100 in Sixty Seconds: The ‘One-Thing-at-a-Time Rule’
The unknown can be daunting. I wonder how many Christian families abandon the idea of home education in blind panic because they cannot comprehend how