Leading Them Out: Why Christian Education Matters

We are a Christian home educating couple in the UK who have put together some articles to encourage fellow home educating parents, as well as to offer a response to many of the strawmen arguments against Christian home education. Thanks for dropping by – we hope it is a blessing!

Our Latest Articles

To God be the Glory: Home Educating in 2024

New Year was God’s idea. We can be certain of this because he decreed that the earth revolve around the sun once every 365 days. Our calendar testifies to the movement of our planet. The movement of our planet testifies to the Creator of Heaven and Earth who set the universe in motion. New beginnings thrill me somewhat. They are...

Working While I Wait For His Glory

Top-up shopping often leaves me with food for thought. On the way to our nearest supermarket, I walk past a doctor’s surgery where the lives of first trimester babies, created in the image of God, are deliberately snuffed out in the name of a woman’s right to choose. I often pass mothers swearing or even screaming at their children and I also see the occasional homeless person. Apart from a quick prayer or....

When the Husband Does Not want to Home Educate...

I have been thinking about home education and marriage. There are some challenges in marriage that only arise when couples begin to consider home education and one is the situation whereby a wife is desperate to home educate and the husband is 100% against the idea. Ultimately, the husband is the head of his family.....