Christian Home Educators in the UK have their own set of challenges (besides the many blessings!). At this point in time we are a growing minority and as others begin to consider what we do, it is important to be able to give biblical responses to the many strawmen arguments, as well as to encourage one another in the particular course we are taking. I hope these articles will be a blessing to you.

Preparing Children For the Lord’s Day
There is a reason that Sunday has been set apart as a special day unto the Lord. Jesus rose from the dead on the first

Three Reasons to Come Clean About Santa This Christmas
Three Reasons to Come Clean About Santa This Christmas It is that time of the year when random people in shop queues start asking our

Home Educators: Guard Sound Doctrine
Home Educators: Guard Sound Doctrine There is a Facebook group entitled, ‘Christian Home Educators UK’ that recently posted an ‘inclusivity’ statement. It read that anybody

‘Seven Myths About Education’ by Daisy Christodoulou
An Encouragement to the Classical Educator One of the reasons my eye was drawn to this particular book is because it was written by a

The Biblical Case For Civil Government Education
Christian Home Educators all know that being able to explain and defend what we do is part and parcel of our educational choice. I am

Home Education: Seizing the Day!
Home Education: Seizing the Day There is a reason that the writer of Ecclesiastes exhorts his readers to: ‘Remember also your Creator in the days

Home Education With Littlies in Tow
At some point along the road, most home educators will find themselves teaching at least one older child whilst managing a baby, a toddler,

We are Ambassadors for Christian Home Education
We are Ambassadors for Christian Home Education As story after story breaks of trans dogma infiltrating UK schools, I often wonder what line must be

Thinking Biblically About Unschooling
Just because an idea takes the label ‘home education’ does not always mean that it is good. Christian home educators need to be careful to use

A Concerning Aspect of the Christian Home Ed Movement
Do you know what I am going to say? OK, here it is. Time and time again I meet a home educating family and somewhere

Home Educating When Hormones Hit!
Most people have some sort of routine to the day or to the week. We know which days we go to church, have regular meet-ups

Dealing With Sin in Our Children by Arthur Hildersham
Some time ago I stumbled across the writings of the Puritans and for several years their work formed the staple of my reading. Centuries after

‘The Well-Trained Mind’ by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
A Priority Read The home educating life is the bookworm’s paradise and if you are interested in classical education, then ‘The Well-Trained Mind’ is a

Large Family Home Educating
It is tricky to define a ‘large family’ precisely. However, for most of us our family starts to feel a tad on the biggish side

Home Educating When the Walk is Lonely
A common cry from Christian home educators up and down the country is that they are do not know any other like-minded families in their