Christian Home Educators in the UK have their own set of challenges (besides the many blessings!). At this point in time we are a growing minority and as others begin to consider what we do, it is important to be able to give biblical responses to the many strawmen arguments, as well as to encourage one another in the particular course we are taking. I hope these articles will be a blessing to you.

When the Husband Does Not Want to Home Educate….
I have been thinking about home education and marriage. There are some challenges in marriage that only arise when couples begin to consider home education

Latin: The Subject I Was Definitely NOT Going to Teach
I rarely skip chapters when I am reading. The pedant in me likes to think I have read the whole book from cover to cover
An Article I wrote for “The Conservative Woman”: When did they forget that children are a blessing, not a right?
When did they forget that children are a blessing, not a right?

Christian Home Educators: Please be Knit into a Local Church
I would not be living at any other time in history. As schools grow spiritually darker and the content children are taught becomes increasingly incoherent and

A Family Update
It has been a while since I have written anything new for this blog and I have been cycling through old articles for a number

When Mothers Feel Ill-Equipped to Home Educate
Let’s talk about mothers who feel ill-equipped to home educate (pause while everyone including myself raises her hand!). It is important to acknowledge the very

Mothers: In Praise of Diligence
I wonder whether our overreaching nanny state has partially blinded us from recognising the cause and effect of labour and labour’s return. I have been

The ‘Firm Foundations’ Conference
Every once in a while, we are at our daily work and the Lord visits with great favour. Towards the end of 2022, my

‘Free’ Government Childcare for Babies is Fool’s Gold
The 2023 UK budget was announced last week and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, has extended thirty hours of ‘free’ childcare from the current

Three Reasons to Catechise (and a model for 2023)
Three Reasons to Catechise (and a model for 2023) For every doctrinal truth, a competing heresy is planted. The Bible declares the deity of Christ whilst

Home Education: Taking Stock of the ‘Off Key’ Days
Home Education: Taking Stock of the ‘Off-Key’ Days For the newbie home educator, an off-key day is simply confirmation that home education is

Home Education: Holding our Nerve
The home educating walk is a walk of courage: courage to be different, courage to find our own groove and courage to stand in the

What if Christian Mothers Exited the Workforce?
I make no bones about the fact that I think Christian parents need to be seriously considering a Christian education for their children (Proverbs 1:7).

Home Education and Decision-Making
One of the more stressful parts of home educating is the ten thousand times ten thousand minor decisions that need to be made over the