Leading Them Out: Why Christian Education Matters
We are a Christian home educating couple in the UK who have put together some articles to encourage fellow home educating parents, as well as to offer a response to many of the strawmen arguments against Christian home education. Thanks for dropping by – we hope it is a blessing!
Our Latest Articles
"Free" Government Childcare is Fool's Gold
At the risk of firing off on too many fronts all at once, I want to talk about early years childcare. This subject is important to me, because the first time that we started to stick out like a sore thumb was when we did not place our precious three-year-old boy into a nursery school. As the years went by, we probably started to look weird on a few fronts (we had large numbers of children bunched together and then chose to home educate) but it all began...
Labour’s ‘home-educated child register’ is an interference to far!
The Article I wrote for the Conservative Women!
Home Educating with Contentment: A Grace that Oils the Way
Home education is generally for the long-haul and contentment is a grace that oils the way. Some of us genuinely have our dream job. All we wanted to do when we were growing up was to marry, have babies and then look after them. Others of us did not enter into home educating quite so willingly! Contentment is not an automatic consequence of choosing a certain path. Mothers often make...
Answers UK Mega Conference 2024